JUDICIARY Latest Features

Chief Justice Swears in 57 New Magistrates
A newly appointed magistrate being sworn-in

Kampala: On February 26, the Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Bart M. Katureebe swore in 56 new magistrates at the rank of Grade 1 and one Senior Magistrate.


During the swearing-in ceremony which\r\ntook place at the High Court, Hon. Justice Katureebe urged the frontline\r\njudicial officers to resist corruption.


He\r\nsaid, "I urge you to resist the\r\ncancer of corruption for your own good and that of the profession and the\r\ncountry.”


He said the meager pay should not be used as an\r\nexcuse engage in corrupt tendencies.


"As we engage Government and\r\nDevelopment Partners to raise resources to finance the proposed interventions,\r\nwe should not lose sight of achieving targets that we have set for all Judicial\r\nOfficers to promote accountability and value for money in the Judiciary.”


Hon. Justice\r\nKatureebe who referred to the 57 as "foot soldiers” said they will be faced\r\nwith very high expectations from the public amidst temptations of getting rich\r\nquickly. "These threats and temptations will come from people who are close to\r\nyou, court staff, bailiffs, advocates and politicians, who will tempt you with\r\nbribes and other inducements to tilt the scales of justice.”


Hon. Justice Katureebe said the new\r\njudicial officers were joining the institution at a time when the Judiciary is\r\nin the process of transforming the institution from process-driven to a\r\nresult-oriented and accountable institution.


The Chief Registrar, His Worship Paul Gadenya, who\r\nsupervises the lower bench, said targets for New Magistrates Grade I is 300\r\ncases annually. He urged the judicial officers to ensure that they submit two\r\njudgements to his office every month.


What they do


Magistrate\r\nGrade One officers handle civil cases where the subject matter is not more than\r\nShs 20M. They also handle criminal cases except those that attract life\r\nimprisonment and death penalties as a sentence.


The new\r\njudicial officers were appointed by the Judicial Service Commission last month.

Deployment List

Posted 29th, February 2016
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